Need for circuit protection. Circuit protection is employed to protect wires and electrical equipment from damage in the event of an electrical overload, short circuit, or ground fault. Lightning storms, overloaded power outlets, or a sudden electrical surge may Read more…
Category: Projects
The World Wouldn’t Turn Without Automation Technology Without automation technology, the reliability, efficiency, and quality of electric power systems, transportation systems, manufacturing operations and industry as a whole would diminish greatly. Industrial automation is found in almost every industry ranging Read more…
Difference between MPCB and MCCB Motor Protection Circuit Breakers and Moulded Case Circuit Breaker are devices used to open and close a circuit manually and interrupt the circuit automatically on the occurrence of faults. MPCBs and MCCBs are used to Read more…
ELECTRICAL CONDUIT An electrical conduit (EC) is a piping system that is used to carry electrical wiring for either power or communication. These piping systems are commonly referred to as raceways. The ECs are solid and they are used to Read more…
WHY DO WE NEED SINGLE PHASE PREVENTERS The major cause of maximum motors burnout is overloading which occurs due to unbalance supply or single phasing. Phase failure occurs in case of fuse blown-off, loose connections or loss of phase from Read more…