Capitalizing on its long-term industrial experience in Automation sector, IPCS conducts various training programs specially tailored for Professionals, Corporate Companies and Colleges. IPCS provides a well-disposed and stimulating study environment addressing the intellectual, professional and leadership development of students. Our training programs provide the best practice in the latest technologies, trends, and challenges in the immensely competitive areas of automation and embedded technologies, SCADA Training, SCADA Institute, SCADA Courses
SCADA(SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION) It is an industrial control system where a computer system monitors and controls a process. SCADA System can supervise; collects data analyze it and generate reports of a whole complex industrial control process. It is generally an interface which presents the process data to a human operator and provides control over the process. IPCS Automation offers SCADA training program for long years. IPCS SCADA training program is specially tailored for Professionals, Corporate Companies, and Colleges. Lakhs of trainees from various countries successfully completed SCADA training and placed on reputed companies all over the world. IPCS is an ISO certified company and IPCS SCADA training program is Affiliated by SIDCO (India), Training Accredited by IAO (USA), Training Approved by Supreme Education Council (Qatar), Training Certified By Delta Taiwan
- SCADA Packages
- Role of SCADA in Industrial Automation
- SCADA System Configuration, RTU, Communication Protocols
- Script Programming
- Real Time and Historical Trend
- Configuring Alarms
- Real Time Project Development with PLC Interfacing
- Communication with other Software
- Recipe Management
- Accessing Different Security Levels
- Report Generation of Current Plant