Cast Iron Pipes
These are the most widely used types of pipes utilized today in drainage lines of homes and some business properties. Cast iron pipes are solid and can withstand the heaviness of soil and stones without breaking. The main significant downside of cast iron pipes is that they can rust and erode truly quick. The pipe can wear out and decline in breadth throughout the years which is the thing that makes the pipes block. Cast iron pipes are most ordinarily utilized in indoor pipes ventures. Open air use is least suggested.
Asbestos Pipe
This is a kind of pipe that is made by means asbestos and concrete. Since this kind of pipe can withstand high weight, it tends to be utilized for transportation of water-based materials. But it may, get destroyed or interrupted by root interruption. On the off chance that you have a tree close to the septic tank or sewer line, it’s ideal to introduce an alternate kind of pipe.
PVC Pipes
There are large variety of plastic/PVC pipe. They incorporate un-plasticized PVC pipes that is usually utilized in transportation of cold water in a system, plasticized PVC pipes utilized in low temperature and low-quality applications and chlorinated PVC pipes that are intended to withstand high temperatures.
Galvanized Steel (GI) Pipes
At the point when steel pipes are covered/coated with zinc, the resultant is the galvanized pipes that are very much shielded/protected from erosion. galvanized pipes come in various grades with various degrees of thickness. The light and medium level grades of this types of pipes are utilized in indoor plumbing. These pipes are more costly than PVC channels.
Concrete Pipes
These pipes are mostly used to supply water. They can be strengthened or unreinforced with fluctuating distances across. The small unreinforced solid concrete pipes are used to drain water while the bigger strengthened solid pipes are utilized in real water supply.
HDPE Pipes
High density polyethylene pipes are the best pipes in the market. They come in different thicknesses and can be utilized in requesting pressurized situations. This kind of pipe can be twisted or bended into a 90-degree angle and some have 50 years guarantee because of their high caliber. Roots can never develop into this sort of pipe and that is the reason they are best prescribed for sewer lines and water lines in various applications.
Classification of pipe based on length
- Single Random Length
This type of pipe is usually 18 – 25 feet plain end or 18 – 22 feet threaded and coupled pipes.
- Double Random Lengths
This type of pipes are made between 38 – 40 feet.
- Longer than Double Random
The length of pipe is much longer than double random pipes are more than 38 – 40 feet.
- Cut Lengths
These are pipe with fixed lengths within +/- 1/8 inch. Some Cut Lengths pipes are available in about 80 ft lengths.
1 ft (foot) = 0.3048 m