A clean pipeline is essential for efficient production flow. The situation of a product flow pipeline is analysed by the introduction of a pig through the flow path. The decision of maintenance, replacement, operation and services of a pipeline. If the wax, scale, or other debris built up in the pipeline will affect the flow rate of the pipeline is affected due to the changes in the internal diameter. Various types of pigs are used to clean wax and other debris up to its maximum. Residual debris will affect the intelligent pigs used for integrity measurement.
Introduction of pig into the pipeline is done through a pig launcher. Once the pig enters into the pipeline it will record all the changes in the internal diameter of the pipeline and discriminate between debris, dense and other geometric features. Simultaneously odometers are used to record wear in the pipeline the debris located. The sensors in the pig will reveal
- Internal pipeline diameter
- Location
- Temperature
- Differential pressure
- Vibration
- Speed
- Orientation
Deceleration of pig automatically switches to time-based measurement this ensures accuracy of data measured even at low speed. After all its function when the pig is retrieved the data is downloaded for further analysis, documentation and record
Latest approach in pipeline integrity testing
One of the most advanced pipelines inspection technique is ULTRASCAN DUO™ . This is a crack detection inspection technology used to inspecting liquid carrying pipeline. It can easily detect wall thickness, crack and sizing. It consists of multiple UT element in a common sensor. Controlled focusing of UT waves provides a maximum resolution of wall thickness and corrosion. It has the feasibility to adjust the firing mode and angles of the same sensor.
EMART SCAN ™ is another crack detection technology of gas carrying pipeline. It works in the principle of electromagnetic Acoustic Transduction ie electromagnetic pulses generates ultrasonic guided waves within the pipe wall. This technology has the capability to accurately detect the crack, sizing, and discrimination by the help of sensors designed to the maximum size to noise ratio. It has a wide range of inspection condition, reliable and robust. This advanced sensors maximize classification performance and discriminate injurious crack from non-injurious laminations.
Post inspection data processing
Sensor signals obtained are aligned and correlated. Integrated data set utilizes to optimize future interpretation. Best data quality enables improved data classification and sizing for pipeline integrity assessment thus the future are qualified quantified and assessed for the relative security