Overexposure to ionizing radiation is unsafe as it might cause cell harm to the uncovered individual. Individuals are continually presented to a specific measure of radiation from common and man-made sources. The power of radiation hazards is chosen by a few components, for example, their physical structure and movement, vitality, radiation type, and so forth. All radiation-related hazards can be extensively named either external or internal hazards. External hazards are radiation from outside the body, while internal dangers emerge when sources enter the human body and start irradiating at the place of their residence. Radiation hazards in mechanical radiography are for the most part brought about by outside sources, as X-ray beams and gamma-ray beams are penetrating in nature and can irradiate organs somewhere inside the body. Consequently, radiation risk assessment is essential so as to abstain from disturbing dimensions of introduction.
Health risk associated with radiography
The amount of risk is purely based on the amount of radiation exposure and the time period of the exposure and the body part exposed. The risk can be minimized and controlled when the radiations are handled and managed properly in accordance with the radiation safety rules. The initial requirement of the employees working in the radiation field is training on the safe handling and use of radioactive materials and radiation producing materials. The initial risk from occupational radiation exposure is an increased risk of cancer however medical studies have not demonstrated adverse health effect in individuals exposed to small chronic radiation doses
The event of specific health impacts from introduction to ionizing radiation is a function of various components including:
- Type of radiation included. A wide range of ionizing radiation can produce health impacts. The primary distinction in the capacity of alpha and beta particles and gamma and X-rays to cause health impacts is the measure of energy they have. Their energy decides how far they can infiltrate into tissue and how much energy they can transmit directly or indirectly to tissues.
- Size of portion got. The higher the portion of radiation got, the higher the probability of wellbeing impacts.
- The rate at which the portion is received. Tissue can get a bigger quantity of radiation over a period of time. On the off chance that the radiation happens over various days or weeks, the outcomes are frequently not as genuine if a comparable portion was received in only minutes.
- Part of the body uncovered. Furthest points, for example, the hands or feet can get a more amount of radiation with less coming about harm than blood framing organs housed in the chest area.
- The age of the person. As an individual age, cell division moderates and the body is less delicate with the impacts of ionizing radiation. When cell division has moderated, the impacts of radiation are fairly less harming than when cells were quickly isolating.
- Biological contrasts. A few people are more delicate to radiation than others. Studies have not had the option to indisputably decide the reason for such contrasts.